Since I focused on print production skills in AS level, I will now try my best to develop my video production skills for A2 level media studies. To help me gain the knowledge for my main task in A2, me and my partner (Lisa Gardiner), are aiming to create a video, in which we experiment with the skill of lip-synching, a editing feature they use in all music videos. We will also be experimenting with various programmes and websites.
Digital Technology.
Skill target: In order to be able to create mine and my partners short video i will need to practise my skills in a programme called Premiere Pro, focusing deeply on cutting, main aspects of editing, uploading the video, extracting bits of the video to work on etc. We will also need to learn how to upload videos to a websit called YouTube. This is where we will store our video.
How this will be acheived: Recording my video with my partner, and then taking it in turns to experiment with premiere pro, and all such websites.
Skill target: I believe I am a very creative person when it comes down to things like photography, and drawing, but I've never really had the chance to do any serious recording of videos. So I need to be able to keep an open mind to my partners ideas, because she may have more experience when it comes to this, and i have to accept that I cannot take and use all the knowlodge i have from photography and art. So any ideas i may have, might not work.
How this will be achieved: Me and my partner will sit down and discuss our video before we shoot it, we will also research into the original video of our song and see what inspiration we can use from that.
Research and Planning.
Skill target: When it came to deadlines last year, i was a bit slacking. So this year i will have to step up my game alot and make sure i get things done as quickly as they should be. I think I did good on the researching, so i should hope to keep it up and improve also. This year as i will be working with video, i will need to plan for video, and research in the video areas, instead of magazines. Therefore i aim to reasearch video and plan accordingly.
How this will be achieved: I will acheive this target by watching videos online, looking at current music videos/adverts on 'Youtube' and gaining the research i need for my video.
Skill target: I need to be able to get the lip-synching of the video right, and I need to be able to make it look as professionally edited as i possibly can get it.
How this will be achieved: Using premiere pro i will have to gain help from my partner, and learn for myself, so i can put this into practise when i start to produce my main video.
Using Convensions from Real Media Texts.
Skill target: Last year, my magazine was meant to be similar to my researcg magazines, and I think i manged that. I feel that this year with my Video production, originality is what will be needed, but yet not loosing the obvious things which will get me a good video, like using different aspects of shooting, and editing, to give the examiner something to mark. For my short video though, to help with the reality of the video and to go with the chosen song, I will need to look up my orginal video, so I can take inspiration from it.
How this will be achieved: To achieve this i will need to look at the chosen songs video, and sit down with my partner and see what we can and cant reinterpret.