Conventions: A live performance video is usually a video of the band or act doing a live set at a gig, or it is video footage at the band or act on tour, with a pre-recorded audio over the top. Usually there is footage of them backstage, or meet and greeting the fans.
Appeal to the audience?: The appeal of this is for fans who arn't interested in watching an over entropic video, and want to watch how the band or act handle being on stage, and it would be more for people who love live music. (i.e independant listeners)
Example: Lostprophets - Where we belong (This video was taken while they went on tour, after the release of their new album)

Conventions: This type of video usually contains camera footage off a really low quality camera, and is usally home-made and produced by a band/act themselves. The act will probably be performing in somewhere low budget and not care so much for the aesthetics of the video but focus more on getting their music out there.
Appeal to the audience?: This is for people who love unsigned music, and would be for people who already know of that band, and love their live music.Example: Enter Shikari - Sorry your not a winner (This video was taken from their very first album, Take to the Skies)

Conventions: An animated video usually shows signs of very entropic nature, and involves things that we would consider to be out of this world, and animated could be anything, but just in a cartoon like form.
Appeal to the audience?: The appeal would be for people who love animation, and listen to music which is very technical, like keyboard based music or c
Example: Crazy Frog - Axel F

Genre: Narrative
Conventions: A narrative video usually contains a storyline which will be followed throughout the video. For example, boy meets girl, they fall in love and then something which will happen in which they will be forced to question their love for each other. Sometimes a narrative video will contain things like a narrator, who will cut in during parts of the video where the song has been suspended, and we capture more and more of a storyline.
Appeal to the audience?: It generally depends on what the music is, as althought the genre is narrative, the genre of the music could be absolutly anything and narrative is a very popular typye of video to go with.
Example: Kids in Glass Houses - Matters at all
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