This front cover is definitely the kind of image I want for my design. I like the use of the establishing shot to include more of the setting, and I love how the main characters face is hidden with his cap. I think though that if I used this type of design, then my main character would be way further back, and I wouldn't hide him with an object, I would use lighting to create a shadow across his face.

I found this image and thought that it was a really beautiful design for the back of a CD. I love how the guitar and rose almost seem intertwined and that the flowing font fits in well to the theme. The colours as well are really graceful and beautiful, and really represents what the band is about. If I were to take anything from this design it would be using the objects like the rose and the guitar to really represent my artist.

This is here just to show that the CD spine is not something in which everyone takes a lot of time to create. I like the simplicity of this design, and as its not something which will be taken notice of by a lot of buyers I would use the same simple approach.

This image is here just to show that the inside of a CD case is just as important as the outside. Its no good trying to catch the eye of the buyer with just the outside as you will loose their interest as soon as they open the CD. As you can see in this image they have kept a theme going through the inside, which I think works really well and is something I would incorporate too.
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