Monday, 13 December 2010

Research and Planning : Potential Cast

This person will be the main character in my video, and will do any lip syncing if needed. He is reliable because he is male, and this makes more sense as my artist is a male as well. He fits perfectly into my target audience, and I know that he will enjoy the type of video I want it to be. He is also an aspiring singer.

This person would play the female in my video, although in the idea I have I don't show much of her. So although this person wouldn't do an awful lot, she is still perfect for my character. She fits my target audience well and I know she would do the best job I would ask of her.

Role : Main Performer
Who? : Kiall Gormley
Contact Details : 07821001481

Role : Actor
Who? : Emily Probert
Contact Details : 07928414830

Role : Camera/editing/photographer
Who? : Amy Pates
Contact Details : 07530342691

On changing my song, and my idea's I realised it would become a problem to use these two people in my video, as I need the two main characters to look or at least resemble the two children I want to use. So upon thinking about this I've decided to ask other people to be in my video.

This girl is my little sister, Holly Pates. I use her in alot of the work I do, as she proves to listen to exactly what I say, and she likes the attention of a camera, whether it be still or moving. Shes a petite girl, and she has medium length blonde hair. She is the perfect type of girl I think to use in my video, as the girl has to be cute, but not in a baby kind of way. Another plus is that as she is my sister, I can control when she can be summoned to film, or photograph etc.

This is my brother, Brandon Pates. Again he is someone I use in alot of the work I do. He isn't as outgoing as my sister, but after he feels comfortable he will do what I ask him too. He is about 5ft 6 already at only age 13 and he has the right kind of figure I need, as he towers over my sister in a protective kind of way. Again I will be able to take control over when he can be filmed as I am responsible for him. (obviously if he gives me persmission)

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