Audience Research
Put mood board onto Facebook to get feedback - 25/11/2010
Make any alterations to our ideas based on feedback - 28/11/2010
Print production
Analyse at least one Digipak/advert campaign - 23/11/2010
Do a brainstorm of ideas for the Digipak/advert - 25/11/2010
Pick the best ideas - 26/11/2010
Compile a minimum of three first drafts - 29/11/2010
Choose the best idea based on audience feedback - 1/12/2010
Blog why the best idea was the best - 5/12/2010
Photo shoot with the actor - 16/12/2010
Performers and Casting
Cast reliable performers for the video - 29/11/2010
Take photos of cast individually and blog - 30/11/2010
Blog why they are suitable for the video - 30/11/2010
Take photos of them in costume - 1/12/2010
Locations + health and safety
Find locations - 26/11/2010
Ask for permission to use the locations - 30/11/2010
Take test shots of the locations - 5/12/2010
Write down details of permission - 5/12/2010
Take photographs of the risks and dangers - 7/12/2010
Compile a risk assessment - 13/12/2010
Get it accepted by the college - 14/12/2010
Put that into our blog - 15/12/2010
Make sure that all cast/performers can get access to the locations - 7/12/2010
Costumes and props
Brainstorm all costume and props that we may want - 1/12/2010
Make a table of all the props/costumes that we need - 3/12/2010
Find the sources of the props/costumes - 10/12/2010
Work out the potential cost and budget - 11/12/2010
Take photos of some of the cast in costume - 14/12/2010
Take photos of costumes/props - 14/12/2010
Blog it - 16/12/2010
Choreography/movement and blocking
Work out all of the different shot types that we would like to use - 5/12/2010
Take test shots of the different shot types in chosen location - 7/12/2010
Plan camera movements - blocking - 6/12/2010
Plan performer positions - 26/12/2010
Take test shots of performers/cast positions - 27/11/2010
Shot lists and storyboarding
Draw an animatic - 15/12/2010
Put it onto youtube and include music - 16/12/2010
Upload to blog - 17/12/2010